Discover what moves you


There's more to you than meets the eye.

Everything we do
has a reason.

Ours is


Our purpose, our reason, and the entire combined goal of our whole team, is to ensure that every guest who chooses to join us has access to excellence in care.

We’re not just a clinic. We’re a community; a like-minded group of individuals who work closely together to ensure you have exactly what you need. And once you’re among us, you’re a member of the club.

The EPC Three

We recognize that you’ve had to persevere. Now that you’ve found
us, here are three things you need us to be:

‘No’ is not an option for us. No matter what barriers are keeping you from the life you deserve – whether it’s access to funding, resources, prosthetic components, or a particular skill set — we’re bulldozers. We’re here to smash the barriers.

You know you. We know prosthetics. We pride ourselves on being experts in helping you manage living your life with a synthetic limb; highly skilled in the very best technology available, so you can be exactly who you need to be.

Adapting to living with a prosthesis is full of new habits and new things to know. We understand how much learning you must embrace throughout your lifetime. We are dedicated educators. Let us help.

Our Roots

It’s true, our clinic is special; not only for how we do what we do, but also why we do it. We’re a place built for people with amputations, by people with amputations.

No expense or consideration has been overlooked. No service or resource has been omitted that’s beneficial to your mission – wellness, independence, and an active place in your community.

At the outset, we believed in the importance and value that our mission brings to our patients’ journey. Of our key inspirationalists, no others have been more a fulcrum than founders Kirsten Simonsen and Terry Janes, and pioneering team member, Kelly Duffett.

While no castle is built by a single soul, their approach and philosophy have been foundational to the development of our processes. The expansion of their overall vision is ongoing, thanks to a dedicated team of people who share their mission of sincere, humble service.