Discover what moves you

Living Life

With Limb

Learn a little about what life
will look like from here on.



Amputation can affect anyone. Whether you’re the parent of a child with a limb difference, a senior experiencing some health changes, or anywhere on the road between, you’ll want to know what life will look like moving forward.

Getting your first prosthesis, or changing the existing one, is a Really. Big. Deal. You might be in the middle of some pretty big changes; or you may be considering making some.

We’re not just here to treat your body; we’re here to help you figure out what this really means for you, and understand and embrace your evolving circumstances.

A Wholeness That Shines

What does it mean to be ‘whole’? It’s a little about form; a little about function; and a lot about inner peace. It’s about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin; with your body, and with your synthetic limb. It’s about knowing yourself, your strength, and embracing the unique way you move and interact within your world.

That’s a wholeness that shines.

The importance of this is reflected in all that you do; it’s the cornerstone of your physical and emotional wellbeing. And it’s our priority to help you attain it.

Self image is an important element in every person’s mental health. Whether it’s how you see yourself, or how others view you; we all have countless factors that contribute to our self image, and to our body image. We want you to know that how you present yourself to the world with your prosthesis is within your control; and you have expert guides here to help you figure out how.

Things may be changing.
But how one answers change is a choice.

Movement Matters.
Learning to Move the Right Way Really Matters.

Why movement matters

Movement is the cornerstone for many factors in a fulfilling life. Not only physical health; emotional wellbeing, independence, the ability to contribute to family life, the capacity to work, to play, to engage with others, are all at least in part based on how we are able to move around in the world. Moving efficiently saves energy, helps us be more functional, supports and protects the rest of our body, and helps us to age in a healthy way.

Lack of ability to move normally robs you of important ways to participate in your world. Think of us as your bodyguards: we can’t stand to see you be robbed.

Movement is more than walking.
Read more.

Why training matters


Just as your brain and body needed to figure out how to work together when you first learned to walk and manipulate objects as an infant, they need to do so again as you learn to control prosthetic joints optimally.

Training is an imperative part of the experience, requiring exercises, drills, and practises developed by people who know how to target the skills you need.

By creating an optimal prosthetic design, and teaching you how to use it flawlessly, we’ll help you not just to look like you; but to feel like you.

Read more.

Your prosthetic journey doesn’t end when you receive a prosthetic limb. There are many factors involved in learning how to use and care for your prosthesis, and yourself; and we’re with you, every step of the way. We’ll help you navigate crucial factors.

Health and wellness: several elements play a role in how well and how safely you’re able to use your prosthesis, so that you can interact with your environment and participate in your community. These include physical fitness; factors like balance, agility, dexterity, and strength. But equally important is the general health of your mind and body. Diet, sleep, exercise, and community are all cornerstones of a healthy life. We’re here to support your goals, and to help you be the best version of yourself.

Getting out there: Community participation is a critical need throughout your lifetime. Finding ways to help you meet your vocational and leisure goals will be a big part of our journey together. We never stop growing and changing. Neither do you. We’ll continue to review and refresh your skills periodically, to make sure you evolve alongside your changing goals throughout your life.

“You look at me and feel sorry for me because you think I’m different. I look at you and feel sorry for you because you think you’re not.”

Michael Carr, age 11

Wholeness is a lifelong journey.
Everyone’s journey.

We’re with you along that road, helping to keep you on course and living your very best life.

“You look at me and feel sorry for me because you think I’m different. I look at you and feel sorry for you because you think you’re not.”

Michael Carr, age 11